Health, Safety and Environment
LCM, aware of its leadership, not only spreads and supports the effort made to meet the final requirements included inside Quality Manual
and Integrated System Manual, but also tries constantly to improve the effectiveness, showing the importance of a correct management to the entire company.
LCM is committed to providing goods and Qual- ity services to its Customers, following the best possible Occupational Health & Safety practices & procedures. In addition, LCM operates with re- spect of explicit and implicit requirements related to environmental protection, in order to guaran- tee Customers’ full satisfaction and respect of the best possible occupational conditions, with reference to prevention and continuous improve- ment of the latter.
For this reason, LCM operates under the Inte- grated Management System, that complies with UNI EN ISO 9001 and API Q1, integrated by directives 97/23/CE (PED, pressurized con- tainers) and 94/09/CE (ATEX use of equipment in potentially dangerous atmospheres).
With this aim, LCM is constantly planning and organizing activities to include, train and update staff at all levels. Therefore, the staff has to re- spect, as for their specific activities, their pur- poses and all indications included inside Quality Manual and related documentation.
The Quality Policy engagements are translated into a plan of aims, which are defined and meas- urable for each level of the organization.
Regarding the aspects related to Health & Safety, along with the environmental ones, LCM operates under the Integrated Management Sys- tem that complies with UNI EN ISO 14001:2004 and BS OHSAS 18001:2007, in force and appli- cable according to the provisions of the national law.
Therefore, LCM aims to:
- Fully respect, in substance and in principle, all environmental laws and regulations ap- plicable to Occupational Health & Safety, to which they freely agreed.
- Carry out their work activities with a commit- ment to prevent accidents and occupational hazards and illnesses.
- Choosing, where possible, the least harm- ful products to humans and environment, regarding the use of chemicals necessary for production and maintenance of its plant; controlling its use, and managing the prevention of both employees exposure to chemicals, and leaks or spills that are harm- ful to the environment.
- Contain and/or reduce the noise produced by its plant, limiting the noise that employ- ees are exposed to, and the noise emitted into the external environment.
- Make every reasonable effort to curb waste production, with particular reference to dangerous waste, and taking appropriate actions to manage it.
- Avoid waste and unnecessary consumption of energy and natural resources, including water.
- Evaluate and correctly identify, in advance, the impact of new processes, technologies, activities and services on Health & Safety in the workplace; managing them as to ensure improvements and efficiency in regards to performance.
- Ensure that staff is aware of LCM’s commit- ment to improving environmental and Health & Safety policies, which they are trained in and informed of these and that they follow them accordingly.
- Ensure that the suppliers and companies working under/for LCM undertake the same Environmental and Health & Safety practices & procedures.
- Adopt the best techniques and procedures to prevent and control emergencies.
- Keep an open-minded and constructive attitude with general public, users, Public Authorities and other stakeholders or inter- ested parties.
Management ensures that this Policy is perfectly clear to all employees by spreading it in every office or workplace in order to raise awareness and ensure that the Quality System and the Integrated Management System are understood, put into practice, implemented and improved. Audit meetings on Integrated Management System are carried out on a regular basis by the system handler in order to verify any changes that can be undertaken to improve and increase company efficiency and the achievement of objectives.
Management at least once a year reviews this audit, in order to check any problem related to the system and make changes or improve the system structure. During this review, manage- ment analyses variances and company perfor- mance, in order to verify if the aims have been achieved.
Management guarantees that this policy is reg- ularly reviewed in accordance with any changes to the SGI, and revised if necessary.
LCM is fully committed to clearly forward this Policy to every single staff member, in order to make them aware of their individual duties con- cerning Health & Safety.